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8 Things You Want To Know About The Root Chakra

The root chakra or Muladhara which means "root" (mula) and "existence" (adhara) is the first of the chakras. The lowest chakra and known as the foundation is found at the base of the spine, just below the tailbone. The root chakra is what grounds us solidly into the earth and plants us into our lives. It steers us towards our everyday needs, personal and family life, and everything in our universe that roots us in our existance.

1. Color - Red

Due to its connection to courage, will, life and vitality, and passion, the Muladhara is closely linked to physical desire. Therefore, mastery of one's desire can open up and increase the effectiveness of these chakras. Due to these properties, the chakra is represented by the red color.

2. Element - Earth

Earth is the densest and the most stable element. It is also the toughest element compared to the other four elements The root chakra governs our primal instincts of survival, safety, and stability. Foundational energy of 1st chakra, and the element of Earth, allow us to feel secure and grounded in our bodies. According to ayurvedic philosophy, the element of Earth is closely linked with our sense of smell and skeletal system, including nails, and teeth.

3. Symbol - Lotus

The root chakra signifies the birth of human consciousness, the four petals of the root chakra lotus symbolize four aspects of consciousness:

Manas – mind

Buddhi – intellect

Chitta – consciousness

Ahamkara – ego

The lotus flower is also a metaphor for spiritual movement through our chakra system. It grows up through the spine to its crowning glory at the seventh chakra – the 1,000-petaled lotus flower which represents the expansion of our ever growing soul.

4. Shape - Cube

Meditating with cubic crystals will help to ground your energy and reconnect you with the powerful energy of the Earth. By placing cubic formations in each of the four corners of a room, you will seal, protect, and ground the energy of your space.

5. Planet - Mars

The planet Mars rules the root chakra. Mooladhara chakra represents innocence, wisdom and purity. It also represents a sense of direction and a strong connection with life. If this chakra is strong in you, it will give you wisdom and make you decisive. As a result, you will also have the ability to go in the right direction and take right decision. Mars represents strength and action and its energy is natural, intense and instinctive. Hence, the native’s attitude will be courageous, enthusiastic and curious.

6. Astrological sign - Capricorn

The root chakra is assigned to the star signs Aquarius and Capricorn. The meaning of the Capricorn Chakra is stability, security and control. According to chakra astrology, this first chakra is, literally, the power that keeps you on the ground.

7. Stones

Root chakra healing stones are frequently used to open, balance and heal the root chakra. Cleansed and charged healing stones and gems are most effective when they’re in close proximity to the affected chakra. Commonly, they are worn as jewelry or placed directly over the chakra in need of healing. There are numerous ways to incorporate healing stones into your lifestyle and environment. For instance, you may place them around your home and office space, carry them on your person, or even wear them as jewelry.

Red Carnelian — Light red to orange — Semi-precious — Historically worn for strength and courage, red carnelian is used to cleanse and activate.

Red Jasper — Earthy red — Semi-precious — Known as the “ring bringer” stone, red jasper is used to cleanse and balance.

Bloodstone — Dark green with red spots — Semi-precious — Traditionally worn to promote self-esteem and repel negativity, it is used to cleanse and balance.

Black Tourmaline — Black — Semi-precious — Used for sp

iritual grounding, this stone is good for cleansing and balancing.

Obsidian — Black — Organic gemstone — A stone of protection, obsidian is good for cleansing and balancing.

8. Essential Oils

Myrrh Essential Oil is one of the oldest essential oils known to humankind. Since it is a powerful essential oil it makes sense that it’s found a use as an essential oil for Root Chakra Healing. Because of its properties that stimulate the brain when inhaled, the scents of myrrh Essential Oil can bring balance to the Root Chakra System by helping you notice your emotions as they come up. Myrrh Essential Oil stimulates the brain and brings a sense of presence that allows us to connect with our emotions and work through what’s needed to bring them from the negative to the positive, allowing you to move forward with increased energy and focus.Use myrrh essential oil in a diffuser during meditation to bring a balance to your Root Chakra System and repeat your mantras.

Frankincense Essential Oil is another one of the oldest essential oils known. It is a powerful essential oil with properties that help calm and soothe your spirits. Frankincense Essential Oil can work as an antidepressant. It’s warm and earthy scent is grounding and uplifting. Use Frankincense Essential Oil in a diffuser during meditation while repeating your “I am” mantras or during your yoga practice. Wear on your skin throughout the day or add a few drops to your favourite personal diffuser.

Vetiver Essential Oil is one of the most popular essential oils for balancing your Root Chakra system. When feelings of restlessness, frustration and anxiety come up and wreak havoc on our ability to focus and be productive in our lives, Vetiver Essential Oil can be relied on to help bring a sense of calm and relaxation. If hyperactivity is taking place in your Root Chakra System, using Vetiver Essential Oil will help ease your mind. Use it topically, or diffuse into the air during meditation, or to help you rest.

Signs of blocked muladhara energy

Physical signs

When your first chakra is out of alignment, you may experience pain in your intestines and lower body. This misalignment can manifest in the physical body in a number of ways, including:

  • Weight gain

  • Weight loss

  • Constipation

  • Pelvic pain

  • Incontinence

Mental signs

When working with the root chakra, think about your relationship to yourself and the world around you. Where do you feel grounded? When do you feel calm and stable? When your root chakra is blocked, you might experience some of the following:

  • Increased distractibility

  • Rushing from one task to another

  • Feeling exhausted or lethargic

  • Increased feelings of anxiety, stress or depression

  • Feeling stuck

  • Inability to take action

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